Metropolitan Planning Area

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The Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) is determined by agreement between the THAMPO Transportation Policy Committee, as the decision making body of the MPO, and the Governor of the State of Indiana. Each MPA encompasses at least the existing urbanized area and the conigous are expected to become urbanized within a 20-year forecast period for the transportation plan. The MPA may encompass the entire metropolitan statistical area or consolidated metropolitan statisitical area, as defined by the Brueau of the Census. Based upon the 2010 diennel census the agreed upon MPO for the Terre Haute Area MPO is:

2020 MPA

Terre Haute MPO

900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202
Terre Haute, IN 47807

Office Hours:
EST - 7:00a.m. - 3:00p.m
EDT - 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

p. (812) 234-2524, ext. 104

