As the MPO, we serve the West Central Indiana Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA)) that includes the cities of Terre Haute and Brazil; the Towns of Staunton, Harmony, Knightsville, Seelyville, Riley and West Terre Haute; both the urbanized and rural portions of Vigo County and Clay County north of W County Road 300 N. MPA boundaries are typically adjusted after each decennial census based on the urbanized area boundaries drawn by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Congress created MPOs in order to ensure that existing and future expenditures of governmental funds for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprhensive ("3-C") planning process. In carrying out the prescribed 3C transportation planning process the THAMPO uses a methodology designed to assess many internal and external factors, and to foster the active involvement of planning partners, stakeholder groups, and the general public. This methodology can be illustrated as follows:
The six core functions performed by THAMPO, the other 13 MPOs in Indiana, and the 400+ MPOs in the United States are to:
- Establish and manage a fair and impartial setting for effective transportation decision-making in the MPA.
- Evaluate transportation alternatives, scaled to the size and complexity of the MPA, to the nature of its transportation issues, and to the realistically available options.
- Develop and maintain a fiscally constrained Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the MPA covering a planning horizon of at least 20-years that fosters: mobility and access for people and goods, efficient system performance and preservation, and quality of life.
- Develop and maintain a fiscally constrained Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that identifies projects, consistent with the MTP, that have been selected for development and advancement over the next 4-years.
- Help protect air quality by ensuring transportation plans, programs, and projects conform to Indiana’s air quality plan.
- Provide citizens, affected public agencies, etc., reasonable opportunities to be engaged in the “3-C” process and to comment on the MTP and the TIP.
Our work as an MPO is overseen by the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC), which serves as the MPO’s policy and decision-making body. The committee receives technical advice and assistance from our staff and the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC). The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) provides citizen and stakeholder input on proposed transportation projects, the MTP, TIP and other related plans. All committee meetings are generally open to the public and all three committees operate under a single set of bylaws approved by the TPC.