Organizational Structure

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Since the MPO is currently only charged with the responsibility of carrying out the federally prescribed 3C multimodal transportation planning process in the Terre Haute – West Central Indiana MPA, and in order to comply with federal and state rules, regulations and policies regarding establishment and composition of a local decision making body to oversee these activities, the THEDC Board of Directors has authorized establishment of the MPO organizational structure as depicted.

org flow chart

The MPO staff currently consists of two full-time employees and the Corporation’s Executive Director, who provides leadership, advice, community liaison, oversight and management support. In addition, the Corporation occasionally hires consultants, through a competitive selection process, to provide specialized services and technical planning support. During the coming two years the MPO plans to continue its partnerships with local universities to create opportunities that provide students internship experiences.

Although organized in the traditional hierarchical structure depicted in the following chart for the purposes of establishing reporting relationships and a focal point for major program elements, the MPO staff generally operates as a self-managed team on a day-to-day basis. This operating culture fosters a synergistic approach to process design and problem solving, encourages knowledge sharing, improves quality and productivity, promotes greater innovation, increases ownership and stewardship, and helps create a team that is more responsive to meeting the changing needs of our planning partners, stakeholders and the general public. This type of operating culture also aligns well with the 3C framework for carrying out multimodal transportation planning.

Org Flow Chart.png

Terre Haute Area MPO Transportation Policy Committee

Chairperson, Chris Switzer            Vigo County Commissioners

Vice-Chair, Brandon Sakbun          Mayor City of Terre Haute

Jim Bramble                                      Vigo County Auditor

Kandace Hinton                                Terre Haute City Council

Todd Thacker                                    Vigo County Council

Fred Wilson                                      Vigo County Area Plan Commission

Brain Short                                       Terre Haute Regional Airport

Debbie Calder                                  Deputy Commissioner, INDOT Crawfordsville

Steve Witt                                         Terre Haute Economic EDC(NV)

Jay Mitchell                                      INDOT Technical Planning Section (NV)

Brian Jones                                      INDOT Local Program Section Transit (NV)

Lakesha Stewart                             Planning and Env. Specialist, FHWA (NV)

Angelic Salgado                              Federal Transit Administration (NV)

Terre Haute Area MPO Technical Committee Members

Marcus Maurer, Chairperson                        Terre Haute City Engineer’s Office

Larry Robbins, Vice-Chairperson                 Vigo County Engineer’s Office

Jared Baylor                                                    Vigo County Area Planning Department

Craig Maschino                                               Terre Haute Regional Airport

Debbie Hensley                                               Terre Haute Transit Utility

Bill Smith                                                         INDOT Crawfordsville District

Emmanual Nsonwu                                        INDOT Central Office MPO Coordinator

Bryan Duncan                                                Indiana State University, Planning and Construction

Karen Schneiders                                          THRIVE West Central, Rural and Senior Transportation

Terre Haute Area MPO Staff

Steve Witt                                                                 President, Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation

Jeremy Weir                                                             Senior Transportation Planner

Ryan Wickens                                                          Transportation Planner

Terre Haute Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Bylaws

This linked document (THAMPO Bylaws) constitutes the Bylaws, procedures, and responsibilites which shall serve to establish, organize, and guide the proper functioning of the Metropolitan Planning Organization designated by the Governor of Indiana for the Terre haute Urbanized Area and the designated Metropolitan Planning Area.

Transportation Policy Committee

The Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) serves as the official decision- and policy-making body for the prescribed multimodal transportation planning process in the MPA. The committee normally meets on a bi-monthly basis and operates under an adopted set of bylaws. The THEDC staff maintains the committee’s bylaws, which dictate committee membership; a committee membership roster; and the committee’s meeting schedule. These documents are available for inspection at the THEDC office during normal business hours or they can be accessed electronically via the THEDC’s main web page at

  • 2024 Meeting Schedule - All Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) meetings will take place in the conference room at the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation office located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202, Terre Haute, IN 47807 unless state and local health guidelines prohibit in-person gatherings. In such case, meetings will be held via remote connection accessed by a link on the Terre Haute MPO website.  Meetings are scheduled to begin at 1:00 PM.  

Transportation Technical Committee

The Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) provides technical advice to the TPC and the linkage between planning and implementation. The committee normally meets on a bi-monthly basis and operates under a set of bylaws approved by the TPC. The MPO staff maintains the committee’s bylaws, which dictate committee membership; a committee membership roster; and the committee’s meeting schedule. These documents are available for inspection at the THEDC office during normal business hours or they can be accessed electronically via the MPO’s main web page at

  • 2024 Meeting Schedule - All Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) meetings will take place in the conference room at the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation office located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202, Terre Haute, IN 47807 unless state and local health guidelines prohibit in-person gatherings. In such case, meetings will be held via remote connection accessed by a link on the Terre Haute MPO website.  Meetings are scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM.  
    • February 27, 2024
    • April 23, 2024
    • June 25, 2024 - Canceled
    • August 27, 2024
    • October 22, 2024 - Rescheduled to 10:00 a.m. on October 29, 2024
    • December 17, 2024

Transportation Advisory Committee

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) provides input and advice to the TPC and TTC on transportation planning issues. The committee also serves as the principal advisory group on matters related to development and execution of the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan for the Terre Haute UA and the West Central Indiana MPA.

Committee membership is open to members of the public, transportation system operators and other stakeholders interested in development of a safe, secure and efficient regional transportation system. The TAC normally meets on a quarterly basis.

The MPO staff maintains a TAC membership roster and their meeting schedule. These documents are available for inspection at the THEDC office during normal business hours or they can be accessed electronically via the MPO’s main web page at

  • 2023 Meeting Schedule - All Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings will take place in the meeting room at the Vigo County Public Library Main Branch, 1 Library Square, Terre Haute, IN 47807 unless state and local health guidelines prohibit in-person gatherings. In such case, meetings will be held via remote connection accessed by a link on the Terre Haute MPO website.  Meetings are scheduled to begin at 10:30 AM.
    • Janaury 11, 2023
    • April 12, 2023
    • July 12, 2023
    • October 11, 2023

Disabled Citizen’s Advisory Committee

The Disabled Citizen’s Advisory Committee (DCAC) has been formed under the joint leadership of the Terre Haute Transit Utility (THTU) and the MPO to provide a forum for identifying and addressing the transportation needs of those with disabilities.

  • 2023 Meeting Schedule - All Disabled Citizen's Advisory Committee (DCAC) meetings will take place in the meeting room at the Vigo County Public Library Main Branch located at 1 Library Square, Terre Haute, IN 47807 unless state and local health guidelines prohibit in-person gatherings. In such case, meetings will be held via remote connection accessed by a link on the Terre Haute MPO website. 
    • March 8, 2023 (10:00 a.m. start time)
    • June 14, 2023 (4:00 p.m. start time)
    • September 13, 2023 (10:00 a.m. start time)
    • December 13, 2023 (4:00 p.m. start time)

Committee membership is open to the general public and to stakeholders who deliver services to this target group. The committee normally meets on a quarterly basis.

The MPO staff maintains a DCAC membership roster and their meeting schedule. These documents are available for inspection at the THEDC office during normal business hours or they can be accessed electronically via the MPO’s main web page at


Terre Haute MPO

900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202
Terre Haute, IN 47807

Office Hours:
EST - 7:00a.m. - 3:00p.m
EDT - 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

p. (812) 234-2524, ext. 104

